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Záručná lehota: 24 mesiacov
2023-2024 Topps Chrome UEFA Club Competition Hobby balíček je balenie zberateľských kariet najlepších hráčov Európy v klubových dresoch v zápasoch európskych súťaží. Každé balenie obsahuje 4 vzácne karty. Toto balenie je ideálne pre fanúšikov európskych súťaží a pre najzarytejších zberateľov, ktorí si chcú rozšíriť svoju zbierku o najvzácnejšie a najdrahšie karty celej edície.
Každý Hobby Box (nie balík) obsahuje:
Spoločnosť Topps s potešením oznamuje vydanie edície Topps Chrome UEFA Club Competitions 2023/24.
Táto prémiová sada, ktorá je späť a lepšia ako kedykoľvek predtým, obsahuje najväčšie hviezdy Ligy majstrov UEFA, Európskej ligy UEFA a Európskej konferenčnej ligy UEFA.
Základná sada s 200 kartami je plná prvotriednych veteránov a nováčikov a je obohatená o epické budúce hviezdy.
Dávajte pozor na rôzne Short Prints a Variations základných kariet, vrátane ikonických Hero Variations a úplne nových Legendary Short Prints základných kariet.
Pozrite si vracajúce sa inserty ako Wonderkids, Golazo, ako aj úplne nové Starball Debuts, London's Calling a veľkolepý návrat dizajnu 1998 Topps Chrome Shootings Stars. V každom balení hľadajte 1 kartu TIFO a siahnite po mimoriadne vzácnych Hobby Masters a White Noise s najväčšími futbalovými menami. A nakoniec po prvýkrát zdvihnite nad hlavu jedinečnú trofej Superfractor UCL!
Hľadajte rôzne karty s autogramami, vrátane úplne nových exkluzívnych jumbo kariet Black Lazer Autograph a epickej knihy All-Time Scorers UCL Triple Autograph Book s najlepšími strelcami UCL všetkých čias: Messim, C. Ronaldom a Lewandowskim.
Stálicami Chrome sú okrem úplne nových a vzácnych Marks of Excellence On-Card Autographs - ktoré budú mať v tejto sezóne UCC premiéru vo viacerých produktoch - aj mimoriadne žiadané Dual a Triple Autograph Cards.
Viac informácií o špeciálnych kartách nájdete v Product Breakdownu a na priložených obrázkoch.
Objavte dúhu so sériou paralel, ktoré vyzdvihujú najlepších európskych futbalistov. Pozrite si nové paralely XI na ich vlastnej zlatej fólii. Žiadne dva vzory nie sú rovnaké!
Base Set Parallels: (Card# 1-200)
* Prism Refractor Parallel: 6 per Box
* Pulsar Refractor Parallel: 3 Per Box
* Neon Green Wave Parallel: sequentially numbered to 399.
* Violet Speckle Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 299.
* Night Vision Ray Wave Parallel: sequentially numbered to 225.
* Aqua Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Purple Ray Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 175.
* Blue Shimmer Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Color Match Refractor Parallel: Sequentially numbered to 99.
* Magenta X-Fractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99
* Green Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Toppsfractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 52.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* XI Parallel: Sequentially numbered in roman numerals to /XI
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Base Card Short Prints:
* Hero Variations: Upozorňuje na 25 najlepších nováčikov a veteránov na pozadí inšpirovanom komiksom Hero.
* Legendary Base Card Short Prints: 10 najlepších legiend na veľkolepom čiernobielom farebnom variante.
Starball Debuts: Oslava debutov UCL s dizajnom zameraným na hviezdy.
* Aqua Mini Diamond Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Blue Mini Diamond Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Yellow Mini Diamond Parallel sequentially numbered to 125.
* Blue Mini Diamond Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Gold Mini Diamond Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Orange Mini Diamond Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Black Mini Diamond Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Mini Diamond Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
London's Calling: Dizajn inšpirovaný Londýnom zvýrazní miesto konania finále UCL 2024
* Aqua Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Yellow Refractor Parallel sequentially numbered to 125.
* Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Wonderkids: 4 per box, on average
* Aqua Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Yellow Refractor Parallel sequentially numbered to 125.
* Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
1998 Topps Chrome Shooting Stars: 3 per box, on average
* Aqua Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Yellow Refractor Parallel sequentially numbered to 125.
* Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Golazo: 2 per box, on average
* Aqua Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Yellow Refractor Parallel sequentially numbered to 125.
* Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Shadow Etch: - Veľkolepá čierna karta Chrome Domination s motívom elitnej futbalovej lopty.
o Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
o Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
o Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
o SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
TIFO: One per jumbo case, on average! New and rare, capturing the spirit of the stadium.
Hobby Masters: Short print karty „Hobby Masters“ prinášajú zberateľom 10 najlepších hráčov v perleťovom, minimalistickom dizajne.
White Noise: Vzácny prípad, v ktorom sa objavujú hráči, ktorí blokujú hluk, vzdorujú všetkým šanciam a uspejú.
Chrome Trophy: Lift the 1/1 UCL Trophy! On Superfractor Chrome technology.
Tešte sa na neuveriteľnú a nikdy predtým nevidenú kolekciu kariet s autogramami dynamických hviezd z rôznych setov. Tešte sa na rôzne jedinečné sady, medzi ktorými vyniknú ohromujúce dvojité a trojité autogramové karty, úchvatná trojitá kniha autogramov všetkých strelcov UCL a vzácne autogramy na kartách Marks of Excellence! V každom Jumbo Boxe bude garantovaný 1 fantastický autogram Black Lazer!
Chrome Autograph Cards:
* Violet Speckle Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 299.
* Pink Shimmer Parallel: sequentially numbered to 250.
* Aqua Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Aqua Refractor Parallel Lava
* Neon Green Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99.
* Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Toppsfractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 52.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Gold Refractor Lava
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Orange Lava Parallel
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Black Lava Refractor Parallel
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* Red Lava Refractor Parallel
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Future Stars Autograph Variation:
* Neon Green Wave Parallel: sequentially numbered to 399.
* Pink Shimmer Parallel: sequentially numbered to 250.
* Aqua Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Aqua Refractor Parallel Lava
* Neon Green Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99.
* Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Toppsfractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 52.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Gold Refractor Lava
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Orange Lava Parallel
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Black Lava Refractor Parallel
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* Red Lava Refractor Parallel: Print-to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Black Lazer Autographs: 1 Per Jumbo Box
* Black/Magenta Lazer Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 199.
* Black/Blue Lazer Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Black/Neon Green Lazer Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99.
* Black/Gold Lazer Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Black/Orange Lazer Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Red/Black Lazer Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* Nightshade Lazer Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 1.
Wonderkids Autograph Variations:
* Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 150.
* Yellow Refractor Parallel sequentially numbered to 125.
* Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
* Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
* Gold Lava Refractor Parallel
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Orange Lava Refractor Parallel
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Black Lava Refractor Parallel
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* Red Lava Refractor Parallel
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
1998 Topps Chrome Shooting Stars Autograph Variation:
* Autograph Red Parallel: numbered to 5.
* Autograph SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Golazo Autograph Variation:
* Autograph SuperFractor: numbered 1/1.
Shadow Etch Autograph Variation:
* Autograph SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Chrome Dual Autograph Cards:
* Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
Chrome Triple Autograph Cards:
* Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
* Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
* SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.
All-Time Scorers UCL Triple Autograph Book: Sequentially numbered /10.