Black Friday

2023-2024 Topps Bundesliga Chrome Hobby Box

Výrobca: Topps
Dostupnosť: ihneď
Skladom: 6 ks    Predajňa: na objednávku   
Záručná lehota: 24 mesiacov

Cena s DPH: 99.96 €

Popis produktu

2023-2024 Topps Bundesliga Chrome Hobby Box je balenie 20 futbalistov nemeckej najvyššej ligy. Každé balenie obsahuje 4 karty. Celkovo tak v jednom boxe nájdete 80 kariet. Toto balenie je vhodné pre fanúšikov Bundesligy a zberateľov, ktorí chcú získať vzácnejšie karty a obohatiť tak svoju zbierku.

Každý hobby box obsahuje:

  • 1x Autographs
  • 6x Refractor Parallel
  • 3x Titans
  • 1x Ultrabeam

Pri príležitosti 60 rokov futbalovej Bundesligy spoločnosť Topps s hrdosťou predstavuje Topps Chrome Bundesliga 2023/24!

Táto prémiová sada je nabitá novými insertmi, dúhovými paralelkami a vyzdvihuje najlepších hráčov Bundesligy.

Zbierajte základnú sadu, ktorá obsahuje silnú skupinu nováčikov a hviezd. Pri každom hráčovi nájdete neuveriteľnú škálu paralel, ktoré oživia túto sadu.

Rozžiarte svoju zbierku s kolekciou Relics. Nájdite jedinečnú základnú relikviu Diamond Anniversary Base s autentickým diamantom a číslom jedna, ktoré symbolizuje 60 rokov zväzku.

Preskúmajte množstvo úžasných kariet s autogramami, na ktorých sú hviezdy, nováčikovia a legendy v dizajne Base Autograph. Nájdite dvojicu podpisov spoluhráčov na karte Chrome Dual Autograph a pridajte ďalší podpis na karte Chrome Triple Autograph. Pripomeňte si prvú sezónu bundesligového futbalu s kartou 1963 Topps Autograph a objavte najlepších mladých hráčov na karte Ultrabeam Autograph. Zozbierajte najlepších hráčov z minulej sezóny na hviezdami nabitej karte Top XI Autograph a najlepších hráčov z minulých rokov s kartou Time Traveler Autograph.

Viac informácií o špeciálnych kartách nájdete na priložených obrázkoch alebo v Product Breakdownu.


BASE CARDS: Unpack the Base Set, featuring a star-studded collection of the best players in the Bundesliga. Look for summer signings, fan favorites and key rookies across the 100-card set.

Base Set Parallels:
- Aqua Prizm Refractor Parallel: 1:5 packs.
- Refractor: 1:3 packs.
- Unnumbered Pulsar Refractor Parallel: 1:10 packs
- Magenta Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 399.
- Purple Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 299.
- Purple Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 299.
- Aqua Bubble Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 275.
- Aqua Bubble Wave Parallel: sequentially numbered to 275.
- X-Fractor Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 250.
- Prism Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 225.
- Blue Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 175.
- Blue Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 175.
- Green Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99.
- Green Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 99.
- Pink Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
- Pink Wave Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
- Bundesliga 60 Years Foil: sequentially numbered to 60.
- Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
- Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

INSERT CARDS: Find the biggest names in German football across a range of stunning inserts. Titans features a collection of on-field warriors, while 1963 Topps uses a vintage design to celebrate 60 years of Bundesliga football. Ultrabeam highlights the top young players and Top XI honors the best players of the previous season. Look for legends of the league in Time Travelers and track down your favorite superstars in the ultra-rare Hobby Masters. Wrapping up the inserts is the super limites LET'S GO!

Top XI: 11 subjects (2 per Case)
- Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
- Orange Refractor Variation: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Time Travelers: 10 subjects (1 per Case)
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

LET'S GO: 10 subjects
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Hobby Masters: 6 subjects (1:4 Cases)

Titans: 9 subjects (1:6 Packs)
- Titanium Refractor: 1:20 packs
- Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
- Orange Refractor Variation: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

1963 Topps: 50 subjects (Anniversary Pack Exclusive)
- Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
- Orange Refractor Variation: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Ultrabeam: 12 subjects (1:10 Packs)
- Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
- Orange Refractor Variation: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

RELICS: Go mining for the all-new Diamond Anniversary Base Relics! Adorned with an authentic diamond, these one-of-a-kind relics were forged under immense pressure.

Diamond Anniversary Base Relics: 100 subjects
- Numbered 1/1

AUTOGRAPHS: Find a massive collection of Autograph Cards featuring superstars, rookies & legends across the Base Autograph design. Combine two signatures on one card with Chrome Dual Autograph and add yet another signature in Chrome Dual Autograph and add yet another signature in Chrome Triple Autograph. Flash back to the first season of the Bundesliga football with 1963 Topps Autograph and dicover the best young players in Ultrabeam Autograph. Collect the best players from last season in the star-studded Top XI Autograph and locate your favorite icon in Time Traveler Autographs.

Base Autograph:
- Pink Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 75.
- Bundesliga 60 Years Foil: sequentially numbered to 60.
- Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
- Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Chrome Dual Autograph:
- Gold Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 50.
- Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Chrome Triple Autograph:
- Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

1963 Topps Autograph: (Anniversary Pack Exclusive)
- Orange Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 25.
- Black Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 10.
- Red Refractor Parallel: sequentially numbered to 5.
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Ultrabeam Autograph:
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Top XI Autograph:
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

Time Travelers Autograph:
- SuperFractor Parallel: numbered 1/1.

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